Frequently asked questions
Before you call, we recommend checking our FAQs and Helpful Information or seeing if your question is answered here.
How much is this going to cost?
With every packages you purchase, you can "stack" on another package for 20% less. For example: A client has purchased our Marketing Package and would also like to tighten up his/her menu, with a Menu Makeover Package. Because you "Stacked", The Restaurant Company will discount your contract by 30%. I see savings in your future.
What is the process?
The more we fix, the more you save. Owners always worry about the price they are going to have to pay, because they have multiple restaurants. Other consultants charge an ridiculous prices for multi-location contracts; well not at The Restaurant Company. In fact, we do the opposite. For every additional location, we discount 50% from the original price. Now does that sound like a discount or what?
What cities do the Restaurant Company service?
The Restaurant Company services all 50 states, as well as, Europe and Canada.
What restaurants have the Restaurant Company serviced?
The Restaurant Company has been working with restaurants, since 1989. Please take the time to look at our Portfolio.
Contact Us
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24/7 Customer Service
General: (800) 596-4715
When you call, press:
0. To speak with an advisor
1. To speak to a representative
2. To speak with client support
Corporate Headquarters
The Restaurant Company Corporation
222 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 11001
Customer Relations
The Restaurant Company Customer Relations
900 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90017
Payment Center
5705 Lynnhaven Parkway, Suite 107
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Get instant answers to most of your questions anytime Monday through Saturday between 7:00 a.m. and 9pm EST.
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